Yom Haatzmaut

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Yom Haatzmaut
Yom Haatzmaut in Yeshiva.co
  • shutterstock_107453471.jpg
    Why move Yom Haatzmaut?
    Why did we move yom Haatzmaut a day early this year?
  • 11. Shaving, Haircuts, Weddings, and Tahanun
    Do the customs of mourning that we observe during the omer period apply to Yom Ha-atzma’ut? Responses to this question have varied greatly.
  • 10. Yom Yerushalayim
    All the holy places in Judea and Samaria – most significantly the Old City of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount – were liberated, along with the Sinai Peninsula and the Golan.
  • 9. Celebrating Yom Ha-atzma’ut on a Different Date
    When Yom Ha-atzma’ut falls out on a Friday or Shabbat, there is good reason for concern that the celebrations and ceremonies will cause public desecration of Shabbat.
  • 8. She-hecheyanu and Hallel at Night
    Some maintain that the salvation of Yom Ha-atzma’ut is similar to that of the Exodus from Egypt, and thus we must recite Hallel at night.
  • 7. Reciting a Berakha on Hallel
    Some say that even though we thank God on Yom Ha-atzma’ut, we should not recite Hallel with a berakha.
  • 6. Reciting Hallel
    It is a mitzva to recite Hallel on special occasions, in order to thank and praise God for the miracles He performs on our behalf.
  • 5. Establishing Yom Ha-atzma’ut as a Permanent Holiday
    There is a mitzva to establish a holiday of rejoicing and praising God on a day when the Jewish people were saved. It was on this basis that the Sages established Purim and Ĥanuka as permanent holidays.
  • 4. The Three Oaths
    The verse states: “I adjure you, O maidens of Jerusalem, by gazelles or by hinds of the field: Do not wake or rouse love until it please!” ). The Sages explain that God administered three oaths: two to Israel – not to ascend to their land forcefully all together and not to rebel against the nations – and one to the gentiles – not to subjugate the Jews excessively.
  • 3. Salvation of Israel
    On Yom Ha-atzma’ut (Israel’s Independence Day), the Jewish people were delivered from bondage to freedom, from subjugation by foreign powers, with all it entails, to political independence.
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